MTG: LOTR - Tales of Middle Earth - Launch Party
Magic: The Gathering

Taking place on release weekend, Launch Party is all about celebrating Limited play with Booster Draft and Sealed events. It's a great opportunity for players who look forward to the excitement of checking out new cards and playing without being required to bring their own deck.

Format: Booster Draft

Rules Enforcement Level: Any

Pairing Method: Swiss or Player-List Only

Promo Support

Metrics Information

Metrics will be reactivated with at least 6 months' notice. At this point in time, we do not have a current anticipated date for metrics reactivation. Until the end of the grace period, promo and product allocations will be based on live metrics or the Q1 2020 metric snapshot, whichever is higher.

As always, all Magic: The Gathering events reported through Wizards EventLink will count towards play metrics: Tickets, Engaged Players, and Activated Players.

What is Booster Draft?

Want a way to play that offers a level playing field and lets you check out new cards at the same time? Then a limited format like booster draft may be for you. Unlike constructed formats, where you arrive with a carefully constructed deck ready to play, limited formats allow you to build a deck from new cards as part of the game.


Players each have 3 booster packs. Players open one booster pack and choose one card from the pack and then pass the remaining cards to player on their left. They will continue until all cards have been chosen from the first booster pack.

Repeat this process for the next two boosters, switching the direction in which the boosters are passed around the table. See this page for comprehensive rules.


Booster draft is a popular limited format used at Friday Night Magic.

Deck Size

Minimum of 40 cards with no maximum, as long as you can shuffle your deck unassisted.


All cards from the drafted cards that were not put in the main deck.

There is no limit to number of individual cards that can be played. For example, having 5 or more of an individual card is permitted.

Banned List

MTG: LOTR - Tales of Middle Earth - Launch Party ticket - Sat, 24 Jun 2023

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