1 Day Game Rental: TrapBall

Regular price $3.00 Sold out
Sold out
    This item is for a 1 day rental for the game not for a purchase of the game. The rental is for the same night this items is purchased and is due back the following day before close. If you would like to purchase this same game your rental fees will be credited toward that purchase.

    TrapBall is a fast action game where players compete to trap balls inside rings! After positioning themselves away from a line of 5 balls, players take a ring and slide it across the table. The goal is to get the ring to slide under the ball, thus trapping it! Using precision, aim and focus players must keep trying until they have trapped 3 balls!

    Ages 6 and Up
    2 Players

    Skills: Fine Motor, Focus & Attention

    5 Colored Weighted Balls
    6 Rings
    Illustrated Rules

      - $3.00

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